Sip on these cocktails inspired by your favorite horror movie characters

Which horror movie villain is your favorite?
Heidi Klum's 20th Annual Halloween Party Presented By Amazon Prime Video And SVEDKA Vodka At
Heidi Klum's 20th Annual Halloween Party Presented By Amazon Prime Video And SVEDKA Vodka At | Craig Barritt/GettyImages
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Freddy Krueger-Stay awake espresso martini

"Whatever you do don't fall asleep!"

Freddy Krueger is yet again another horror villain who has his own franchise and is well-known by everyone. Nightmare on Elm Street has 7 movies because like Michael Myers he never really dies.

In order to avoid the nightmares from Freddy Krueger, an espresso martini is needed! An espresso martini will not only give you a nice buzz but also a light caffeine kick. However, this espresso martini is different because it is made with tequila instead of vodka! (You can still use vodka if that is what you prefer)

  • 1 oz brewed espresso
  • ½ oz Kahlua
  • 2 oz tequila
  • 1 oz maple syrup
  • Garnish with 5 coffee beans for Kruegers five knife fingers

Jason Voorhes- Campfire s’mores white russian

"They were warned...They are doomed...And on Friday the 13th, nothing will save them."

Jason who is known for his role in Friday the 13th is the only killer who technically didn't appear until the sequel. In the first movie, the killer is his mother Pamela (spoiler alert).

However, Jason became more iconic and a ruthless killer. He is known for stalking Camp Crystal Lake and what is better at camp than having a s'more? This White Russian is on the sweeter side and extra sweet with a toasted marshmallow for garnish.

  • 1 oz marshmallow vodka
  • 2 oz coffee liqueur
  • 1 oz chocolate liqueur
  • ¼ cup heavy cream
  • Garnish with toasted marshmallow for all the fallen campers