Creative ways to open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew

Unlock Your Wine: Creative Ways to Open a Bottle Without a Corkscrew
Re-corking Of Old Wine
Re-corking Of Old Wine / David Hogsholt/GettyImages
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3. Wrap the bottle and smack it against the wall

At this point, we venture into riskier territory, so caution is key. If you’re out of tools but not out of options, this method might be your makeshift solution. Wrap the bottom of the wine bottle in a thick towel—or double up for safety—and gently tap it against a wall. It’s a bit of a gamble as the bottle could break, making this a method of last resort. Don’t expect the cork to budge on the first try. Instead, use light, repetitive taps to gradually coax the cork out.

4. Use a key

This technique takes a cue from using a screw and hammer, but with a twist—literally. Instead, use keys. Insert them into the cork at a 45-degree angle, then twist the top of your key in a circular motion, gradually unscrewing the cork. After a few careful rotations, the cork should come free. Be sure to insert your key deep enough into the cork; otherwise, you risk crumbling it.

5. Pump it out

Here’s a straightforward trick using a bike pump with a needle. Insert the needle through the cork until it reaches the space between the cork and the wine. Begin pumping air into the bottle. As the air pressure builds, watch as the cork gradually rises and eventually pops out of the bottle. Simple and effective!