2 simple ingredients, 1 perfect cocktail (part 4)

The Gimlet isn't a well-known drink, but it is a very yummy one. With such a simple ingredient list and fun history, it's a drink worth trying!
Lime cocktail in a martini glass
Lime cocktail in a martini glass | Amanda Edwards/GettyImages

Cocktails are fun to make at home, but a big problem that people can have with that is gathering all the ingredients to do so. Turns out it's for good reason. As a bartender, there wasn't a single cocktail I could think of off the top of my head that was made with only two ingredients. While this cocktail feels like it's cheating to say it's made with only two ingredients because it tends to be made with three ingredients now. The original recipe for the Gimlet, though, only calls for two ingredients so we're going to call this a two ingredient recipe for the purpose of the series.

The Gimlet has an origin story that's similar to many others, rooted in the military. This drink, though, was created by a doctor for medicinal use, similar to the original mojito.

When the British Navy was plagued with scurvy in the 19th century there were a lot of health issues they had to deal with. They were dealing with brutal pain, and vitamin C deficiency, sometimes leading to death because of this disease. The benefits of citrus juice used as medicine for scurvy soon became widely known. The lime juice was quickly part of the soldiers' rations after this discovery.

Naval doctor Rear-Admiral Sir Thomas Desmond Gimlette suggested the crew members combine their rations of lime juice and gin. This would mask the bitter taste of the lime juice and help it go down more easily.

Today, the Gimlet tends to be made with lime juice and simple syrup or sugar, but the official Gimlet was made with Rose's Lime Cordial. That was how it was made at first because Rose's was initially the most accessible fruit preserve. In 1867 the preserve began to be served as a daily ration to the crews on naval vessels. The Gimlet is not the most popular drink, but one worth trying!

Calling this a two-ingredient drink would probably be cheating. The lime cordial is something that you could purchase, but it could also be made at home with very few ingredients. I'll include a recipe for that as well.

This cocktail uses a small amount of ingredients and also requires little supplies! It's unfortunately not one that could be made into a mocktail, but the lack of supplies needed makes up for it! A martini glass will make this cocktail more fun, but like always the glassware isn't needed! The drink does require stirring and straining, but you can get creative in the kitchen if the barware items aren't accessible.

Let's get mixing!

Gimlet Recipe:
2 oz gin
1 oz lime cordial

Gimlet Directions:
Stir together gin and lime cordial with ice in a glass for 15 seconds. Strain liquid into a martini glass and garnish with a fresh lime wheel if desired.

Lime Cordial Recipe:
1 cup sugar
1 cup water
3 tbsp lime juice
1 1/2 tbsp lime zest
2 tbsp citric acid

Lime Cordial Directions:
Put all ingredients into a saucepan and bring to a simmer until all sugar is melted.
Pour into a blender and blend.
Strain mixture into a container and let cool.